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Start using

How do I install the client?

The first time you use VictoryVPN you need to install the client that connects your computer securely (via VPN) to our system.

Click here to read our Getting Started guide.

How do I open an account?

When you create your account you will choose a user name and password that you will use to login to the service.

We also ask you to register the e-mail-address that you want to use for VictoryVPN, so that we can contact you with information about for example when it is time to renew the account.

When you open the account you will choose what type of subscription you would like (1, 3 or 12 months) and finally pay for the service with your credit card.

Click here to open your account.

What do I need to do to start using VictoryVPN?

In order to start using VictoryVPN you need to do three things:

1) Open an account

When you create your account you will choose a user name and password that you will use to login to the service.

We also ask you to register the e-mail-address that you want to use for VictoryVPN, so that we can contact you with information about for example when it is time to renew the account.

When you open the account you will choose what type of subscription you would like (1, 3 or 12 months) and finally pay for the service with your credit card.

Click here to open your account.

2) Install the client

The first time you use VictoryVPN you need to install the client that connects your computer securely (via VPN) to our system.

Click here to read our Getting Started guide.

3) Logon to the service

After you have created your account, and installed the client on your computer, you are ready to use the internet anonymously and securely.

Just double click on the connection that you have created on your desktop, and login with the user name and password that you have selected when creating your account.

How do I logon to the service?

After you have created your account, and installed the client on your computer, you are ready to use the internet anonymously and securely.

Just double click on the connection that you have created on your desktop, and login with the user name and password that you have selected when creating your account.

Anonymity and security

How can I check that I am really anonymous on the net?

To make sure that you are anonymous, direct your browser to both before and after connecting to VictoryVPN. If your IP-address changes, it means you are anonymous on the net when connected to us. We have replaced your IP-address with ours.

I am logged in to VictoryVPN, but when I run an IP-address check I can see two IP-addresses. Why?

When you browse to and check that your external IP-address, you can see that you are anonymous.

With some IP-lookup services you may see a second IP-address, starting with 10.3.x.x. This is a so called “local IP-adress”, which is only a temporary address used inside the VPN-tunnel between your computer and our system. This IP-address cannot identify you or your computer.

What can VictoryVPN be used for?

Our service is made to protect your identity, integrity and security on the net. It puts you in charge of when and where you want to disclose information about who you are. When you use the net without VictoryVPN, you are exposed to dangers from people who may exploit information about you.

Will VictoryVPN provide anonymous file sharing?

Yes, VictoryVPN will make your file sharing anonymous.

Does VictoryVPN also protect my email traffic?

Yes, since the IP-address of your computer will be replaced, it will not be possible to trace back what computer the mail was sent from.

How can you guarantee my anonymity?

You will always be anonymous to the sites you visit, to your network operator and to the systems you use on the net, when using VictoryVPN. In addition, we do NOT log any network traffic, so even ourselves cannot see what our clients are doing online. By using VictoryVPN you are 100% anonymous at all times.

Can VictoryVPN help increase the security of my wireless Lan?

Yes, it might increase your security if your wireless LAN does not have encryption switched on.

How to use

How do I renew my subscription to VictoryVPN?

Your subscription will be automatically renewed at the end of your subscription. If you want to cancel your subscription, you can do that by logging into My Account.

Can I use your service abroad?

Yes, you can use our service from any country and from any computer.

Does VictoryVPN work for Mac-users?

Yes, VictoryVPN works with Mac OS and Windows on desktop, and Android, iOS and Windows Mobile on mobile devices.

How do I get my bill for the payment, if you do not have my address?

When you pay for the service, you will receive a receipt by e-mail. Please make sure to use a valid e-mail address when registering.

Is it possible to do everything that can normally be done with my computer when using VictoryVPN, such as for example do online gaming?

Yes, you will be able to do everything that you normally can do. The only difference is that you will be anonymous and more secure.

I have three computers behind a gateway at home. Do I need three subscriptions to VictoryVPN, or will it be enough with one subscription?

You need three subscriptions, one per user.

I would like to provide all employees of my company with VictoryVPN. Do we need a separate VictoryVPN-membership per employee?

Yes, you need a separate account for each employee that will use VictoryVPN.

I would like to change the e-mail address I use for the service. Is that possible?

Yes, you can change your email address from within My Account.

How do I disable VictoryVPN?

Right-click on the VictoryVPN-icon on your desktop and select “disconnect” from the popup menu.

Technology and performance

Can I use VictoryVPN if I am behind a firewall?

Yes, you can use the service from behind a firewall.

How does VictoryVPN work?

Your network traffic is encrypted and passes VictoryVPN on its way to the Internet. In our servers, your network traffic is mixed with the traffic of others, which makes it impossible to trace back to you.

The connection between your computer and VictoryVPN is encrypted with VPN. That means than no one kan survey or look at the traffic that is sent between you and VictoryVPN.

Will my network performance be affected in a negative way by using VictoryVPN?

No, you should not experience any negative effects on your network performance when using VictoryVPN. Our systems are constructed to be reliable and fast.

The company I work for uses a proxy server for internet access. Will I be able to use VictoryVPN at work behind the proxy?

Yes, VictoryVPN will work through your company’s proxy.

Can I use your service if I am behind a router?

Yes, there are no known complications with being behind a router.


Error 691: Incorrect user name or password

Do you get this error when trying to connect it may be due to two things. One possibility is that your subscription has expired and then you must renew your subscription. Go to and select “My Account”. Then log in and follow the instructions. The second possibility is that you have forgotten your username and / or password. In this case, contact our customer service so they can give you a new one.

Error 800: Unable to establish connection

If you get Error 800 when attempting to connect to VictoryVPN it means that your computer does not have any contact with our VPN server. Less than 1% of our customers are affected by this error. The most common reason is that you accidentally have entered the wrong address in the ‘host computer name or IP address. ” It must be exactly “”, with dots between the words and no spaces. Minimum deviation from this and the connection will not work.

To double-check and possibly change the value, select “Manage network connections” that you find in “Network” in the Control Panel. Right-click the VPN connection named VictoryVPN and select “Properties.” Now have a look that the right address is in the address bar under the “General” tab.

If it still does not work it’s time to troubleshoot. Open the command prompt in Windows (by selecting “Run” from the Start menu and then typing “cmd” and press Enter). Now a black window has opened with a blinking white cursor. Type “ping” (with spaces between ping and connect) and press Enter. Your computer should now make contact with our computer and you should get a reply saying that packages have arrived and no packages were lost. If you get the answer ‘request timed out “or similar, it means that your computer may not be in contact with our server. Try then to write “ping”. Do you get any answer now? If not, is there something wrong with your network – perhaps the computer is not connected against the network? Double-check your network connection and see that you actually can reach the Internet before you try to connect to VictoryVPN.

If you can get out on the Internet, but does not respond to your ping-call, the evidence suggests that something in your network prevents your computer to contact the VictoryVPN. It may be a firewall on your workplace, or in the worst case, your network operator prevents traffic to us. In this case, please notify us, we can help you troubleshoot further. You can also contact your network operator or IT department and ask them why your computer can’t contact with, they can help you to open up the firewall that blocks traffic.

I have two accounts at VictoryVPN, for two different computers at home. But when I log on one computer, then the other one logs out. Why?

Your home router must support more than one (1) simultaneous VPN Passthrough connections. There are some routers on the market that can do that, but the most common is that a home router only supports one VPN connections.

Here is a list of routers from Netgear, where you can see the models that supports multiple VPN passthrough (look in the “VPN Passthrough Connections”).

You need to buy a home router with support for multiple simultaneous VPN passthrough.

What port should I open on my home router / firewall / gateway if VictoryVPN isn’t working?

Open up traffic on port 1723 used by the VPN tunnel to your router. You should also turn on “GRE Protocol 47” used for “handshaking” with the VPN / PPTP. You can also look for phrases such as “PPTP pass through” or similar which may be another way to express the same thing.

Error 619: The port was disconnected from the remote connection

You can get this error if you have a home router, home firewall or Internet gateway (hereinafter short for Router) that blocks VPN traffic. Less than 1% of our customers are affected by this problem. What you need to do is to configure your router to pass VPN traffic.

As there are many different brands on the market and all have slightly different settings, it is difficult to give a precise step-by-step instruction that works for everyone, but here is some general advice that will help you make sense of the problem.

Start to find the manual for your router (often available to download as a pdf from the manufacturer’s website). Find the instructions on how to surf to your router (usually by typing or in your browser), log in and find the right place to change the necessary settings.

What you should look for is the ability to open up traffic on the port 1723 used by the VPN tunnel. You should also try to turn on the possibility of allowing “GRE Protocol 47” used for “handshaking” with the VPN / PPTP. You can also search for phrases such as “PPTP pass through” or similar which may be another way to express the same thing. Search for “PPTP” in the manual to see if your router has other settings you may need to adjust to get the VPN working.

Some routers has no support for VPN. If you experience problems with the VPN, one option is to buy a new router. Some brands that we can recommend and which we know usually works without problems are Netgear and Zyxel. Avoid Linksys, Cisco and Dlink.

Some software firewalls can also block the VPN traffic, for example ZoneAlarm. If you’re experiencing trouble you may have to add VictoryVPN to your “Trusted sites”. You may also need to set the software firewall to allow the VPN protocol get through. Generally, we recommend to uninstall the software firewall and instead use Windows built-in firewall that is simpler, better and that works with VictoryVPN.

Error 733: The client and the server can not agree on a PPP Protocol

This error may occur if the choice “Negotiate multi-link for single link connections” accidentally has been checked under the settings to VictoryVPN VPN connection. Un-check this election. Fewer than 1% of our customers receive this error.

More info is available here:

Problems with outgoing mail and SMTP

Some internet providers only allows connections to their mail server for outgoing mail (SMTP server) from a computer on their own networks. When we change your IP address, your computer seems to belong to another network, and thus it happens that your SMTP server fails. We are working to offer SMTP as an additional service.

Meanwhile, you can dissolve the problem in two ways, either by disconnecting VictoryVPN when you send e-mails (right-click the icon for the connection and select “Disconnect”), or by sending emails from pure Internet-mail-accounts such as Gmail.

Error 6xx and 7xx – and other very rare errors

Sometimes it occures other errors than those above. Here are various links to Microsoft Knowledge Base that may help you understand the problem and solve it.

Error 628 –
Error 645 –
Error 720 –
Error 781 –
Error 800 –

Legal and policy

What am I allowed to use VictoryVPN for?

VictoryVPN can be used for legal webbsurfing when the user wishes to be anonymous. You are not allowed to use VictoryVPN for any illegal activity.

What will happen if an authority will ask for information about network traffic through your system?

Our system is protected by Swedish law, with one of the strongest protection for the individual’s right to privacy in the world. We are only obliged to hand over data in case of a pending investigation into a crime that can result in at least two years imprisonment. We do not keep any logs of our traffic, so we are unable to share any traffic information.

We do not keep any customer database, apart from the e-mail you use to register. We need the email address to be able to communicate with you.